Lucky Few is a Helsinki-based full-stack service design and development agency.

We help each of our clients create and maintain a digital presence truly worthy of their brand.




Europe’s preeminent digital showcase gets a mobile refresh.

Tori Autot lift squareTori Autot lift

Tori Autot

Helping Finland's biggest marketplace with a touch of four-wheel drive.

Terveystalo App Case Lift SquareTerveystalo App Case Lift

Terveystalo App

Allowing private healthcare customers to manage their personal health day by day.



Bringing the Finnish postal corporation’s products and services to the world of mobile.


Continuous improvement

We strongly believe that designing and building digital products and services should be done in a modern, agile manner, right from the beginning of the project. This means quickly identifying the project needs and the viability of any proposed solutions. Then, an incremental process of design begins – in close collaboration with our clients – helping to make complex structures more successful in their implementation.


We bring a wealth of experience over a wide range of disciplines to the table. This diversity of expertise is one of our core strengths, but the journey doesn’t end there. To truly lead the pack online, there is no substitute for a constantly updating skill set, which is why you’ll find our developers keen to bring the latest technologies to a project, wherever they will benefit your digital presence.

Architectural design

We always strive to take the holistic perspective over any system, assessing all of the constituent parts within it, how they interact, and where their dependencies lie. We carefully analyse the requirements and limitations of every component, allowing us to solve project-specific issues such as scalability through a tailored, architectural outlook. Software engineering today has too many moving parts for a “one-size-fits-all” approach.

Usability design

Great technical solutions can be beautiful things, but without the elegance of supreme functionality they are useless to your users. A common-sense approach to UI is our hallmark, along with the ability to ensure that things work in practice as well as by design. This dedication to design thinking is “always on”, regardless of the project’s scale or ambition level. Where our observations can help improve the end result, you’ll be hearing about it.

Lucky Few is a Helsinki-based full-stack service design and development agency.

We help each of our clients create and maintain a digital presence truly worthy of their brand.




Europe’s preeminent digital showcase gets a mobile refresh.

Tori Autot lift squareTori Autot lift

Tori Autot

Helping Finland's biggest marketplace with a touch of four-wheel drive.

Terveystalo App Case Lift SquareTerveystalo App Case Lift

Terveystalo App

Allowing private healthcare customers to manage their personal health day by day.



Bringing the Finnish postal corporation’s products and services to the world of mobile.


Continuous improvement

We strongly believe that designing and building digital products and services should be done in a modern, agile manner, right from the beginning of the project. This means quickly identifying the project needs and the viability of any proposed solutions. Then, an incremental process of design begins – in close collaboration with our clients – helping to make complex structures more successful in their implementation.


We bring a wealth of experience over a wide range of disciplines to the table. This diversity of expertise is one of our core strengths, but the journey doesn’t end there. To truly lead the pack online, there is no substitute for a constantly updating skill set, which is why you’ll find our developers keen to bring the latest technologies to a project, wherever they will benefit your digital presence.

Architectural design

We always strive to take the holistic perspective over any system, assessing all of the constituent parts within it, how they interact, and where their dependencies lie. We carefully analyse the requirements and limitations of every component, allowing us to solve project-specific issues such as scalability through a tailored, architectural outlook. Software engineering today has too many moving parts for a “one-size-fits-all” approach.

Usability design

Great technical solutions can be beautiful things, but without the elegance of supreme functionality they are useless to your users. A common-sense approach to UI is our hallmark, along with the ability to ensure that things work in practice as well as by design. This dedication to design thinking is “always on”, regardless of the project’s scale or ambition level. Where our observations can help improve the end result, you’ll be hearing about it.